![]() Angela BakerPeter Baker lost his family, in a boating accident. He was sent to live with his aunt, who forced him to cross-dress and act as his dead sister, Angela, because she wanted a daughter. Angela suffered a complete psychological breakdown and began murdering her fellow campers and counselors when she went to Camp Arawak. |
![]() AstrologerIn the late 18th century, after a Tarot reading that predicted the Baron's pregnant wife would die in childbirth ended up come true, he ordered his men to kill the Astrologer's daughter. Ennraged with grief, she in turn did a reading on the Baron and his close friends, leading to their horrible death, then killed herself and cursed the deck to kill anyone who used the cards. |
![]() Billy the Puppeta mechanical ventriloquist puppet used to inform the victims of Jigsaw's deadly games about the rules and instructions they had to follow in order to survive and in the event of their survival, he would deliver a message of congratulations. |
![]() Blair WitchElly Kedward was banished from the town of Blair In the winter of 1785, after several local children accused her of performing witchcraft, and died from exposure. The next year, all of her accusers and half the town's children vanished without a trace. Fearing a curse, the townspeople immediately fled Blair, vowing never to utter the name "Elly Kedward" again, thus calling her the Blair Witch. |
![]() CandymanDaniel Robitaille was attacked by lynch mob, who sawed off his right hand then smeared honey all over his body causing bees to sting him to death. People started referring to him as Candyman afterwards. Saying Candyman five times in the mirror, then immediately turning off the lights, will summon his ghost who will slay anybody that sees him. |
![]() CarrieCarietta White was abused by her single mother growing up and also constantly picked on by her classmates. Unknown to all, she had hidden telekinetic and telepathic powers. They were brought to full force by the time she was in high school used for revenge. |
![]() ChuckyCharles Lee Ray, also known as the Lakeshore Strangler, used a voodoo ritual to transfer his soul into a Good Guy doll to escape death. |
![]() Count DraculaJudas Iscariot, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus Chris. He betrayed Jesus for a bribe of thirty pieces of silver. When Judas saw Jesus dying on the cross, he was horrified by what he had done and tried to hang himself but the rope snapped and as punishment he was cursed to live forever, as the world’s first Vampire. |
![]() DjinnOnce, in a time before time, God breathed life into the universe. And the light gave birth to Angels. And the earth gave birth to Man. And the fire gave birth to the Djinn, creatures condemned to dwell in the void between the worlds. One who wakes a Djinn shall be given three wishes. Upon the granting of the third, the unholy legions of the Djinn shall be freed to rule the earth. Fear one thing in all there is...fear the Djinn. |
![]() Frankenstein's MonsterHe is an inhuman creature created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein through a "scientific method" that allowed him to create life from non-living matter. After being made an outcast and mistreated by humanity, he became obsessed with getting revenge. |
![]() The FishermanBen Willis was a homicidal fisherman, who got run over by teenagers. The panicking teens dump him into the ocean, believing him to be dead. The next summer, he decided to stalk the teenagers who left him for dead and get his revenge. |
![]() Freddy KruegerHis mother was a nun who was sexually assaulted by a 1000 murderers. In 1968 Krueger was burned alive by the citizens of Springwood, for molesting children. Freddy returned from the dead and began slaughtering the children of Springwood in their dreams. |
![]() GhostfaceInitially, Billy Loomis created the identity with Stu Macher in order to kill Sidney because of her mother's affair with Billy's father, which triggered his mother to leave. However, the changing identity of the person beneath the mask means that Ghostface has no definite motivation. |
![]() GraboidGraboids are giant, predatory, worm-like cephalopods. They are ravenous carnivores, always on the hunt for food. Indiscriminate eaters, their diet includes but is not limited to sheep, cattle, horses, donkeys, coyotes, and even humans. |
![]() ImhotepImhotep was an ancient Egyptian priest, the high priest of Osiris, and the adviser to Seti I. For his crimes of murdering the Pharaoh and using dark magic from the book of the dead, Imhotep was executed with mummification. He was resurrected and planned to rule the Earth. |
![]() Invisible ManJack Griffin was a researcher working in food preservation that fell in love with his employer's, daughter. He discovered a formula for making living beings invisible. Determined to prove himself both a successful researcher and good husband material, Griffin tested his formula on himself. Unfortunately it drove him insane and caused him to go on a violent rampage throughout the city. |
![]() ItIt, also known as PennywiseIt, is a horrific and malevolent cosmic entity that is billions of years old. A millennia ago, It came to planet Earth so it could feed, manipulating its prey’s fears in order to make them easier to hunt. It prefers to hunt and devour children, as their fears are easier to manipulate than adults. |
![]() Jason VoorheesJason stalks and kills at Camp Crystal Lake, feeling a burning need to avenge the death of his beloved mother and the abuse they received, largely due to his deformity. |
![]() JigsawAfter John Kramer’s unborn child died, he suffered from severe depression, and ultimately tried to end his life. He survived however, realizing that he had only learned to cherish his life when his death had been imminent. Because of this, John chose to spend the remaining time of his life testing other people's will to live, hoping that this would convince them to value their lives and the lives of those around them. |
![]() Kayako SaekiOriginally a regular housewife, Kayako was killed by her husband in a jealous fit of rage after he thought she was having an affair with another man; as a result, she came back as an angry and vengeful ghost who only seeks death, destruction, and a continuation of the unintended curse that made her unable to rest. |
![]() LeatherfaceBubba Sawyer, better known as Leatherface is an unstable and cannibalistic serial killer who wears masks that are the faces of his victims, perfectly flayed from their bodies. Together with his mysterious and insane family, Leatherface would hunt down any intruder who steps into their territory and would use different kinds of tools to murder them, but he mostly uses his chainsaw. |
![]() LeprechaunLubdan is an extremely sadistic, aggressive, bloodthirsty, demonic, insane, and dangerous leprechaun who appears to crave mischief, death, destruction, chaos and gold. |
![]() Michael MyersWhen he was 6 years old on Halloween night, he brutally and mercilessly killed his older sister, Judith, after she had sex with her boyfriend. His parents caught him and he was sent to Smith's Grove Sanitarium. 15 years later, Michael escaped and returned to the town of Haddonfield, Illinois, to kill again. |
![]() The MinerOriginally a man named Harry Warden who turned to cannibalism to survive being trapped underground, various other people have taken the title of the Miner, stalking and killing the residents of Valentine Bluffs. |
![]() Norman BatesAfter murdering his domineering mother, he developed a split personality. "Norma" AKA Mother, was cruel and possessive, inspiring him to commit murder. "Norman", a child needing his mother and "Normal", a functional adult. |
![]() Pamela VoorheesWhen her son, Jason, drowned at Crystal Lake summer camp, Pamela blamed the counselors for not supervising him. This drove her to murder them and any other ones that returned to Crystal Lake. |
![]() PinheadCaptain Elliott Spencer fought during World War I. Once the war was over, he developed PTSD and survivor guilt. He found and solved the Lament Configuration box, which then dragged him to the Labyrinth and transformed into the Cenobite Pinhead. |
![]() PazuzuPazuzu was a powerful demon, the king of wind demons and son of the Babylonian god Hanbi. He managed to possess Regan after she played with an Ouija board. |
![]() SamSamhain is a physical embodiment of the spirit of Halloween. Every Halloween, he enforces the rules of the holiday, handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, wearing a costume, and never blowing out a jack o'lantern before midnight. Sam punishes those who ignore or defies the rules, in the most brutal and mischievous way possible. |
![]() Samara MorganSamara possessed the power to psychically disfigure her victims' faces before they finally died of a heart attack. To protect others, her mother suffocated her and dropped her down a well. However, Samara survived for seven days alone in the well before dying. Her spirit was able to project her visions into a VCR tape, creating the seven-day curse. |
![]() Tiffany ValentineTiffany was killed by her boyfriend, Chucky. He performed a voodoo ritual to transfer her soul into a Wedding Belle doll. |
![]() Wolf ManLarry Talbot became a werewolf after he was attacked and bitten by one and now currently seeks to stop the other evil monsters and find some way to remove his curse. |